Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Minecraft – Adventures in Direwolf20 – More Twilight Forest – Episode 6


In this episode of Adventures in Direwolf20, I decided to take another trip back to the Twilight Forest. I feel like there is a lot more there for me to discover.

Before heading out, though, I make a quick stop at a new contraption that Undead has setup at our base. It is a leather and beef harvesting machine. Through the clever use of some water, lava, pipes, sorting boxes and, of course, a cow spawner, we are able to harvest literally unlimited amounts of beef and leather.

Once in the Twilight Forest, my discoveries are indeed exciting. First cool thing I came across was what appears to be a glass or ice wall. If I bust part of it, it pours water out, but will freeze again shortly. I climbed to the top of the wall, only to find a ton of penguins! They are just milling around, not really doing much. I realize that this must be a glacier.

After the glacier, I keep heading out and run into a really strange ‘void’ in the ground. I am pretty sure this is some sort of glitch, but maybe not. The glitch will not let me past the area, but it appears as though there are zombies floating around in it. The void extends all the way down to the bedrock. After a while, I just decided to move on, go around it.

The next thing I found, I still have to research. Basically, a giant ram in some sort of stone courtyard. Not sure what to do here, so I killed it. Probably NOT what I was supposed to do. (if anyone knows the point of this one, please comment below).

The final discovery was another Lich Castle. I explore a little, but realizing that my inventory is full, I decide it is time to head back. I whipped out my linking book and zipped out of there.

Adventures in Direwolf20

via CustomPCMAX, direwolf20, glacier, glitch, Lich Castle, Minecraft, penguins, stone, Twilight Forest, water

1 comment:

  1. Its the same with a PC, the only people who are having issues are people that buy before thinking; I say leave them to the consoles.
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