Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Diablo III: Reaper of Souls Opening Cinematic

Over at, check out the new trailer for the upcoming Diablo 3 expansion.

Diablo III: Reaper of Souls Opening Cinematic

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Minecraft – Adventures in Direwolf20 – Lich Castle Twilight Forest – Episode 7


One of the things we discovered in the last episdode of Adventures in Direwolf20 was the Lich Castle in the Twilight Forest. We explored some the last time we were there, but today I decided that I want to got a little further and see what kind of trouble I can get into as I go further into the castle.

Once into the center of the tower (this tower, there seems to be a bunch), there is a giant spiral staircase that goes to the top. All along the way, there are mobs and spawners. Also, lots of side rooms with more spawners, and some treasures.

After clearing out a lot of zombies, skeletons, spiders and those flying books, we get towards the top and see a room with a glass floor. At this point, I have the energy bar for the Lich King on my screen, so I know he is close by. I poked my head up and got attacked by a lot of different things, my health dropped and I got scared. My bags were full and I didn’t want to lose it all. I will come back another time with just the goal of going after the Lich.

I head down to the floor, setup a linking book and get the hell out of there!

direwolf20, lich castle, twilight forest

via CustomPCMAX, books, castle, direwolf20, Lich Castle, Lich King, Minecraft, mobs, tower, Twilight Forest

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Minecraft – Adventures in Direwolf20 – More Twilight Forest – Episode 6


In this episode of Adventures in Direwolf20, I decided to take another trip back to the Twilight Forest. I feel like there is a lot more there for me to discover.

Before heading out, though, I make a quick stop at a new contraption that Undead has setup at our base. It is a leather and beef harvesting machine. Through the clever use of some water, lava, pipes, sorting boxes and, of course, a cow spawner, we are able to harvest literally unlimited amounts of beef and leather.

Once in the Twilight Forest, my discoveries are indeed exciting. First cool thing I came across was what appears to be a glass or ice wall. If I bust part of it, it pours water out, but will freeze again shortly. I climbed to the top of the wall, only to find a ton of penguins! They are just milling around, not really doing much. I realize that this must be a glacier.

After the glacier, I keep heading out and run into a really strange ‘void’ in the ground. I am pretty sure this is some sort of glitch, but maybe not. The glitch will not let me past the area, but it appears as though there are zombies floating around in it. The void extends all the way down to the bedrock. After a while, I just decided to move on, go around it.

The next thing I found, I still have to research. Basically, a giant ram in some sort of stone courtyard. Not sure what to do here, so I killed it. Probably NOT what I was supposed to do. (if anyone knows the point of this one, please comment below).

The final discovery was another Lich Castle. I explore a little, but realizing that my inventory is full, I decide it is time to head back. I whipped out my linking book and zipped out of there.

Adventures in Direwolf20

via CustomPCMAX, direwolf20, glacier, glitch, Lich Castle, Minecraft, penguins, stone, Twilight Forest, water

Monday, April 22, 2013

Minecraft – Adventures in Direwolf20 – Mystcraft: Ages – Episode 5


In a past episode, we traveled very briefly to another ‘age’ to rescue Undead. Ages are essentially other dimensions that we can explore. They are part of the Mystcraft mod.

In this episode of Adventures of Direwolf20, we decided to go explore one of these ‘ages’ first hand. This ‘age’ was created by Undead and he has a little base set up already. When we first arrive here, we are in a gigantic underground cave system with an abundance of ores visible all over the place. One could spend a very long time mining down here. Of course, I am usually a little more entertained when I am exploring around, so naturally I look around. After fighting off a few mobs and seeing that the underground area is very much the same all over, I decide it is time to see if there is a surface to explore.

It is raining when I get to the surface and I almost immediately receive a slowness and nausea effect on my character. Purely by chance, I realize that standing under cover (and being protected from the rain) the effects wear off. I also surfaced by a strange group of statues that surround a chest. Once I get close, I come under attack by some strange beads of light that can shoot energy beams at me. Not sure what these are, but they are tough to catch and kill (if not impossible…). So, instead of trying to kill them, I create a little shelter for myself and grab the chest.

Keep watching to see what else I find up here on this very messed up surface area.

via CustomPCMAX, ages, dimensions, direwolf20, explore, exploring, feed the beast, ftb, Minecraft, mobs, mystcraft

Friday, April 19, 2013

Minecraft – Adventures in Direwolf20 – To the RESCUE!! – Episode 4

So, late last night, I received a text message from Undead stating that he was trapped in another “age” on a 4×4 platform. He had transported himself off to some other dimension, but had forgotten to bring a linking book with him to get back to home base (or anywhere for that matter).

In this episode of Adventures in Direwolf20, I go to rescue him. I also get a first hand look at some other aspects of the Mystcraft mod that is included in the Direwolf20 pack. Ages are essentially other dimensions to explore.

From the Feed the Beast Wiki

In the context of Mystcraft, an Age is a new dimension players can explore, similar to the Overworld, Nether or The End in vanilla Minecraft. Unlike those dimensions, however, Ages have a wide range of possibilities. Players can find themselves in a Skylands age as pictured, or in an endless ocean with giant trees sprouting from the water. Advanced players can even write their own ages.

As you can see in the video, when I get to the Age that Undead is trapped in, I immediately start taking poison damage. Undead later confirms that some Ages can be unstable as was the case with this one.

Now I have one more thing to start playing with – Ages – hopefully I don’t get trapped myself.

via CustomPCMAX, ages, dimensions, direwolf20, explore, ftb, home, Minecraft, new, night, water

Minecraft – Adventures in Direwolf20 – Exploring – Episode 3

In this episode of Adventures in Direwolf20 – I decided to partake in one of the great joys of Minecraft – EXPLORING! I set out from our base only to realize that our base appears to be an island (or largely surrounded by water, I haven’t gone every direction yet). So, I craft up some boats and go for a little pleasure cruise.

My first stop is at a nearby little island that has an interesting statue. Not exactly sure what these are for (I am sure some mod), I jump out and start digging. I found a little cave system, some ores and what not. When I came back up, I realized the sun had set and this little island has become infested with things wanting to kill me. After battling for a while, I made a break for my boat and continue on my journey.

The next thing I found is a little coastal front village. Quite a few structures and a few villagers wandering about. Once the sun sets, the zombies set in and it becomes pretty unsafe here.

minecraft video direwolf20 mod pack

via CustomPCMAX, boat, direwolf20, exploring, ftb, island, Minecraft, village, water, zombies

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Minecraft – Adventures in Direwolf20 – Twilight Forest – Episode 2

In this episode of Adventures in Direwolf20, me and Undead decide to take an adventure into the Twilight Forest. The Twilight Forest can be reached via a special portal. The portal is created by putting a 2×2 area of water on the ground, surround with flowers or mushrooms and then drop a diamond into the pool. The video picks up right after we entered the forest. As you can see, it placed us up in a tree, so keep that in mind for finding a way back after you are done exploring (or had enough pain…).

Once we port in, Undead sets up a book of tranporation (not sure if that is the real name), that allows us to easily port between home and the Twilight forest (without having to climb that tree). After that, we head off and explore the area. The first exciting thing we find is the hedge maze, which I proceed to die multiple times in. The mob spawners are quite brutal inside and the mobs are strong. Not to mention the fact that the walls of the hedge are barbed with thorns, which took me a while to realize. After the hedge, we head outside and run into a group of King Spiders. Not sure exactly what these are (I didn’t get a good look), but basically something is riding on the back of giant spiders, shooting something at us. Of course, it killed me.

Undead was quite pleased that we found some Rubber Trees. Not sure what we will use these for, but I am sure it will be helpful in all the mechanical stuff Undead has been doing at our home base.

The final bit of excitement was a quick trip into the Lich’s Castle. We didn’t make it more than a few rooms before we decided to take a break. I have come to the realization that going to the Twilight Forest without any armor is a really bad idea. Next time I will be prepared and hopefully not die so quickly.

minecraft direwolf20 twilight forest

via CustomPCMAX, die, home, King Spiders, portal, Rubber Trees, Twilight Forest

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Minecraft – Adventures in Direwolf20 – Ore Processing Steam Engine – Episode 1

Hello all – we are back to Minecraft with a new server setup in place. This time, instead of building our own server mod by mod, we are using the pre-configured mod packs that can be found at They have numerous different sets of mods to use, but at the suggestion of my buddy Undead, we will be going with the Direwolf20 mod pack.

In this video, not too much exciting going on, we take a look at the cool steam powered ore processing station that Undead setup. Then, I proceed to our mine and grab some more ores for processing – you get a good look at the variety of new ores we have to work with now. Then, I load up and turn on our ore processor and let it give us a bunch of refined ores!

Here is a list of the mods that are present in the Direwolf20 pack. As you can see, it is pretty extensive and would take a long long time to setup a server manually like this.

Non-Gameplay and/or User Interface mods

Minecraft Forge

Chickenbones Core

Not Enough Items

NEI Plugins

Rei’s Minimap

CoFH Core

Inventory Tweaks

Gameplay mods

Applied Energistics

Buildcraft 3

Thermal Expansion

Chickenbones Mods


Ender Storage

Wireless Redstone Chicken Bones Edition


Misc Peripherals

Equivalent Exchange 3




Extra Bees

Thaumic Bees

Gravity Gun


Charge Pads

Compact Solar Arrays


Modular Force Field System

Nuclear Control

Iron Chests

Modular Powersuits


Obsidian Pressure Plates


Portal Gun


RedPower 2

Soul Shards

Steve’s Carts 2

Thaumcraft 3

Twilight Forest

Xeno’s Reliquary



via CustomPCMAX, Charge Pads, Gameplay, mod, mods, Modular Force Field System, new, server

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

New Thief Trailer Exposed

And out of nowhere, a trailer for the next Thief title has appeared for us to enjoy. The new Thief title is in development still but slated for release on PC, PS4 and other “Next Gen” consoles. Garret is back and ready for some more stealthy action. ENJOY!!

Today, the shadows are lifting. Garrett, THE Master Thief is back with this announcement trailer for Eidos-Montreal’s next title: THIEF, in development for PC, PlayStation 4 and other next-generation consoles.

There is a rising tide of fear in The City. Hatred saturates every stone and whilst the rich prosper, the less fortunate face misery and repression. Ravaged with sickness and famine, they wait for something to change.

Into this shadowy world steps Garrett the Master Thief in a first-person adventure featuring intelligent design that allows players to take full control, with freedom to choose how they approach and overcome each challenge and forge their own path through the game.

To hear more about Thief, follow us here:

Official Site:

via Gaming, eidos, Eidos Montreal, new, Next Gen, Official Site, PC, ps4, shadows, theif, THIEF, Trailer

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Minecraft Adventures – Episode 24 – Castle is DONE!

In this episode of Minecraft Adventures, we are putting the finishing touches on our castle. This includes roofs on the front towers and building a Nether Portal in one of the side towers. Perhaps there will be a little more in the future, perhaps a 3rd tower on the back wall, but for now it is a complete structure. Now the trick will be keeping the ogres from messing with it. Even with the End Stone core walls, they could do some pretty decent damage to the first layer of stone. Or god forbid I run into another Big Golem… not sure if End Stone can stop them or not (and I don’t want to find out). If you enjoy . . .

via CustomPCMAX, BUILD, castle, creatures, End Stone, Minecraft, mo creatures, Nether Portal, tower, towers, uberhaxornova, walls

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Jurassic Park Mod fan project using CryEngine 3

Fans of Jurassic Park, rejoice – there is an epic Jurassic Park mod in the works by a fan using CryEngine 3 Plot : Several weeks after the incident at Jurassic park and while the Costa Rican government is arguing with park funders Ingen to firebomb the island.You are sent to recover valuable data but as you arrive rival company BioSyn has already made similar plans.Something has survived…

via Gaming, Costa Rican, cryengine 3, fan, Jurassic Park, mod, Plot Several

Friday, March 15, 2013

Minecraft Adventures – Episode 23 – Castle Progressing Nicely

In this episode of Minecraft Adventures, you can see some of the progress I have made on the castle, I have two towers built and the main surrounding wall. I am now working on the main entrance which will have the main throne room above. Also, made some Redstone lamps to help illuminate the main courtyard, which has had a problem with mob spawning. Not seen (as I lost some video files) was me constructing the outer walls – they have an End Stone core to prevent ogres from busting through. I also have a nice ‘cellar’ below the castle, thanks to the ogres (hence the ogre proof walls now). There is also an underground access shaft in one of . . .

via CustomPCMAX, BUILD, castle, custompcmax, End Stone, endstone, kootra, Legendary Beasts, Minecraft, mo creatures, ogre, uberhaxornova, walls

Monday, March 11, 2013

Piston Xi3 Open for Pre-sale

After months of speculation and intrigue, Xi3 is opening pre-sale on what was initially thought to be the official Steam Box. We have since learned that it isn’t, though the Piston is a Valve approved third party solution. The Piston is Xi3′s updated variant of their Modular PC line. The system is built upon an AMD 3.2Ghz Quad Core (R464), which is a 3.2GHz quad-core with built-in graphics processor rated as a Radeon HD 7660G, and paired with 8GB of DDR3 Ram. While not going to win any performance awards, the setup should be able to run most games with modest settings applied. That could make this a nice gaming solution for the living room, having a small foot print . . .

via Tech, amd, console, games, HTPC, r464, Steam Box, steambox, TV, Using Steam, xi3

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Minecraft Adventures – Episode 20 – Portal Home

In the last few episodes of Minecraft Adventures, we have been traveling around on our ever constant quest to find a NPC village on this server. And although we have yet to find it, we did find some other cool stuff. For instance, in the two episodes, we battled an Ender Lord and then farmed it’s palace for valuables. In those valuables, I got bunch of Obsidian and I decided – it is time to go home. Of course, that means I have about 4000+ meters to go on foot. If I travel via nether portal, though, that is cut down to about 500 meters, so I headed off to my buddies nearby redwood house that has a portal in . . .

via CustomPCMAX, Ender Lord, Legendary Beasts, mo creatures, nether, palace, portal

Friday, March 1, 2013

Minecraft Adventures – Episode 16

In this episode of Minecraft Adventures, it is time to go home. I have been out in the wilderness searching for a village for days now (ok, maybe hours…). I haven’t found one and I am out of food. I can’t find any animals to eat or plants, or anything… other than rotten Zombie flesh. I am low on health and can only travel during the day for fear of creatures attacking me. On my way home, the server decides it isn’t going to cooperate, so I end up falling through the map. After several attempts to teleport myself, I make it back to my buddies home base. Unfortunately, the server is still treating me poorly so I log out . . .

via CustomPCMAX, biome, food, glitch, hungry, Minecraft, mo creatures, rotten flesh, server, teleport, travel, village

Monday, February 25, 2013

Minecraft Adventures – Episode 13

After what was a pretty terrible run in with a Big Golem, and fixing all the holes in my house from that battle, this episode of Minecraft Adventures was meant to be a uneventful day of working with my farm and other general maintenance. Of course, the creatures in the area decided to give me a hard time. Perhaps friends of the Big Golem? Whatever it was, they managed to light me on fire and I didn’t make it to water in time. But, the sun finally rose and I was able to go about my business. Using some TNT I cleared some area for my farm shack and then I built a light house behind it. If you enjoy . . .

via CustomPCMAX, farm, fire, Minecraft, night, TNT, werewolf

Friday, February 22, 2013

Minecraft Adventures – Episode 12

Today’s episode of Minecraft Adventures definitely has some excitement. I built a nice little cottage on my farm island that I found in the last episode. I was all ready go about my business, gather my crops, tend to my animals, etc… when I notice that a Big Golem was hanging out right outside my house. The jerk doesn’t appear to be affected by the sun coming up, so I guess my only option was to try and “ask him to leave” (or kill him). Of course, that doesn’t go so well for me or my house. If you didn’t know, the Big Golem (I think is his name) absorbs surrounding blocks to build his body and then hurls blocks . . .

via CustomPCMAX, biome, die, explore, farm, golem, mine, Minecraft, mo creatures, mobs

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Diablo 3 Patch 1.0.7 Live – adds brawling, buffer monks, better wizards and more!

Blizzard has released live Patch 1.0.7 for Diablo 3. The patch contains many new additions to the game, but probably most notable is the ability to now "brawl".

via Gaming, 1.0.7, Blizzard, brawl, diablo 3, LIVE, patch, PVP

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Unigine 4.0 Released

UNIGINE Corp. has released a new, enhanced version 4.0 of Heaven Benchmark, the GPU intensive benchmark that gained massive popularity among overclockers and hardware manufacturers for hammering their graphics cards to the limits.

via Tech, 4.0, Benchmark, heaven, press release, release, unigine, unigine 4.0

Crytek to transition entirely to F2P business model

Within 5 years, Crytek CEO Cevat Yerli expects his company to "transition entirely" to free-to-play business model.

via Gaming, console, Crysis, crytek, f2p, free to play, PC, ps3, xbox

Minecraft: The Ex-Communicated Series (via @UberHaxorNova)

Now, this series isn't anything new - in fact, the final episode (#62) was posted last November But, despite the fact that on the interwebz, this series is comparable to a senior citizen, we thought it was worth bringing to your attention.

via CustomPCMAX, creatures, james, Minecraft, sly, uberhaxornova, web series

Saturday, February 9, 2013

TR4PVILLE – Borderlands Machinima

TR4PVILLE is a Borderlands machinima series that follows a group of misfit claptraps who constantly get over their heads and together they run their own town “TR4PVILLE” on Pandora. This is the first episode by the Creatures, so stay tuned for more mayhem! Their website- Creature Shirts- Creature Facebook-… Their Channels-

via Gaming, Borderlands, Machinima

Monday, February 4, 2013

New Minecraft server – video coming soon!!

So, just finished setting up the new Minecraft server with a bunch of new mods. Mo Creature Biomes o Plenty Bladecraft Backpacks Tree Capitator Legendary Creatures Nothing too crazy, but enough to spice up the game. I am looking forward to exploring the new Biomes (over 60 now available). We’ll be posting a video soon show casing the new mods and how they work.

via Gaming, backpack, biomes, bladecraft, legendary creatures, Minecraft, mo creatures, tree capitator
Here we are showing off our super long powered rail mine cart system in our custom Minecraft server. The track travels from my castle to two other stops (in other biomes). As you will see, it takes about 4-5 minutes to travel (at full rail speed) from one end to the other. Also, see the stupid enderman at the beginning that wants to fuck with my video - LOL!!